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Frequently Asked Questions

I've booked a private session, where will it be?

For private bookings you will be sent the details to the phone number or email you used at time of booking at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment, but the general area is St Pauls Cray, Orpington, Kent in Sophie's private garden 'Zen Den'. Unless you have an online session booked, this can be on Whatsapp, Skype or Facetime.

I've booked a ticket for your event, where are the details? 

Event details are sent in the thank you email from Ever Evolving, there is a download button on the email.  For an example of what to look out for, go to the event on the website and swipe to look at the other photos, there is an example on there.  If you cannot locate your email get in contact and details can be resent (a minimum of 4 hours prior to the event).

What do I need to bring to your event?

It varies on the type of event. All details on your particular event on what to bring are in the downloadable file in your thank you email.

Generally for a sound bath you will need a blanket, cushion and water and layers to wear so you are comfortable.

What is Ceremonial grade Cacao and how does it work?

Ceremonial grade Cacao is organic and pure in its processes, with no extra sugar or harsh heat treatments.  It is fantastic for healing the heart chakra, for reconnecting to yourself, visions in meditation journeys and for insightful messages.  On top of that it is packed full of antioxidants and goodness and is classed as a superfood.  There is a spirit connected to this plant (Mother Cacao) who is here to help us reconnect with our authentic selves, we do this, we love ourselves, love others and the planet we live on.  This is a valuable tool in the ascension process.


Note cacao is optional in Sophie's events, so if it isn't sitting right with you, you don't have to have it. If you are on anti depressants, just discreetly let Sophie know, she will give you a smaller dose as they can be known to trigger headaches (Sophie has never experienced this with any of her clients).

What is Sound Medicine?

Sound Medicine is a very special event that Sophie and Joe hold together that brings a potent and deeply nourishing experience.  Using a perfect blend of Sound, Cacao, Quantum Star Magic healing and optional oracle cards to bring peaceful, blissful, healing and clarity to the practitioner.  Air beds are provided for additional comfort, so you feel like you are floating on a cloud.  For additional information on Sound healing and Quantum Star Magic healing please read on.

What is Sound healing?

Sound has been used as a therapeutic and transcendental (altering consciousness and spiritual development) tool for many thousands of years.  On the most basic level sound aids deep relaxation, perfect for a busy anxious mind, there is something for the recipient to focus on.  Gongs and singing bowls draw stress out of the cells and renew cellular health (you can watch videos of blood under a microscope and see this for yourself).  The body is a naturally self healing mechanism - given the right conditions free from environmental, dietary and emotional stresses.  Sound helps to bring the body back to homeostasis (balance) so it can do what it is built to do.  Inflammation can be dramatically reduced, if not completely relieved from sound. Using the principle of entrainment (energy and frequency matching) Sophie uses a variety of instruments and their frequencies to bring your frequencies back to the balance of the instruments she is using.  During sound sessions some people report seeing passed over relatives, going back into past life experiences, or receiving powerful insights from their higher self, guides, or other beings. Rest assured the space is protected energetically for you to journey safely.

What is Quantum Star Magic healing?

Quantum Star Magic healing is a powerful energy healing that Joe (also a Reiki master) uses to help support people on a group level and individual level. There is no limits to quantum energy.  It is a difficult one to explain higher dimensional work with 3d language but its potential is endless.  Joe goes into 'the field' and is guided what to do to help the recipient.  It could be an organ cleanse, parasite cleanse, an entity removal, a 5d upgrade, cord removal and so much more. We are evolving quickly and this is like Reiki for the 21st century, with an extra boost!

I'd like a private session of Quantum Star Magic Healing, how do I book?

Click here to book in with Joe.

What happens in a card reading?

Sophie connects to spirit and uses a variety of tarot and oracle cards and a pendulum to show you what is currently holding you back and how you can best move forwards in life.  Sophie can offer insight into people and situations however she is more interested in looking at the NOW, leaving the future more of a mystery. The future depends a lot on the choices you make.  This reading will aim to show you that you in fact have the answers all inside you and she helps you to realise this and empower you to make lasting and significant change.

What is your cancellation policy?

We do not issue refunds for event tickets or transfers to other dates, unless we had to cancel the event our end. 

If for any reason you can no longer make the event, you can transfer your ticket to someone else, or choose to gift it to someone who could benefit. (Deep Immersion would need prior authorisation by Sophie).

For private bookings a minimum of 48 hours is required to make changes or cancel your appointment.

What is Deep Immersion?

Deep Immersion is a day long event of light Chi Gong type movement (linking breath to simple movements), Sound, (Gong, Crystal and Himalayan sound bowls, drum, rattle, voice), longer Quantum healings and optional cards.  Food is provided also here and with the additional comfort of air beds.  These events must be preapproved by Sophie or Joe beforehand (a free 15 minute telephone consultation) to see if you are suitable for this deeper work, this is extremely powerful and only for those ready to face what is blocking them and are serious about moving forwards and developing themselves.

What are the supplements?

These packs are designed to help with mental clarity, using a unique blend of various mushroom extract powders.  They will help bring to the surface what is pulling your energy down or state of mind.  Not like a classic anti depressant where it numbs things more, this will help you to clear what is the issue, they require commitment and introspection and intention to get the most from them. Directions are sent in the package on how to take these, but the protocol is taking one dose every 3 days. Purchasing of these and access to them on the website needs prior clearance from Sophie or Joe and a telephone consultation. 

Where do you hold Yoga classes?

Sophie currently teaches at Nuffield Chislehurst, Birchwood Swanley and Tula studios.

Tula is the only one with a drop in option, in Orpington.

To practice with Sophie or find out venue information for Tula, click here:

How do I book a private session?

Press the 3 line menu, top right on mobile or hover over 'home' word top right on desktop

Go to bookings & purchases

Private sessions

Choose service and duration - note you can say more of what you want in the booking form which you go through in the booking process.

You will be taken to the calendar to see current availability - choose your appointment time and process payment in the chosen method you prefer.

You will be sent the venue information at least 24 hours before the appointment time, it is in St Pauls Cray Orpington, in Sophie's private garden healing chalet.

How do I book an event?

Press the 3 line menu, top right on mobile or hover over 'home' word top right on desktop

Go to bookings & purchases

Event tickets

Choose the event you want, read through the event information and description before booking and pay through with your preferred method of payment.  Event details and venue information are sent automatically straight after purchase in your thank you email.

How do I check availability?

For events, go to top right of your screen, click events and when there are no spaces left, it will say sold out. If it will not allow you to book the amount of tickets you require, that is because there is not enough available.

For private sessions, click on the calendar and the availability will show there.

For private group or corporate sessions where Sophie and or Joe come to you, contact them here to find out availability here.

How can I be kept informed of your upcoming events?

Sophie has a Whatsapp update group that she uses to put up all events and pop up events (one way communication). To be added to the group message Sophie here 07595755749.

She also has a mailing list too, an automatic subscribe box comes up as you go on the website you can fill it in there.



I can't see the event I want to book in the events section, how do I book?

Some events ticket sales are for pre authorised members only. Get in contact here to book a telephone consultation with Sophie or Joe.

I was in the process of booking and my phone froze/chucked me out - has it gone through?

Check your email, if any payment went through you would get an automated email notification, if the availability is not showing on the calendar anymore, try again in 5 minutes time.

What are your prices?

Prices vary, see each treatment or item for individual prices.

How do I use my gift voucher?

Put your items in your basket and go through to the check out and input your given coupon code.  

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